BDSM 101 / Arcwave

Sep 01, 2022

Get kinky with Fairvilla Educators John and Angelique Luna LIVE and in person at our Fairvilla Megastore location. Tickets are $15.00 per person and seats will fill up fast so grab yours today! 

Class is 18+ only (ID required for entry and Alcohol)

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Innovation can be hard to come by, especially regarding penis-pleasing toys. Penis toys are often the same with a soft material with a vulva, sphincter, or mouthpiece on the front in various colors. Rinse, lather, and repeat over and over... until now. 


Let us proudly introduce you to the Arcwave Voy by Wow Tech. This one-of-a-kind wonder is brand new to Fairvilla and has new tightening pleasure technology like never before. Its sleek design and portable size make it a powerhouse for penises everywhere, indeed the toy to beat so far in 2022.


So what do we mean by tightening pleasure technology? Unlike any other toy, the Arcwave Voy is unique in how it shapes against your shape and makes constant contact with the penis. Each end of the Arcwave Voy opens up, making insertion easy and comfortable after applying some water-based lubricant. Once inside, twist the neck of the Arcwave Voy and be amazed as the inside slowly adjusts and hugs every inch using their patented Tightness Adjustment System.


Sleek and held in the palm of your hand, the Arcwave Voy can go anywhere, including underwater, making it the ultimate travel companion. Its incredibly soft and natural feeling clean-tech silicone makes clean-up easy and means it will last over and over without having to worry about bacteria. 

If you or the penis in your life needs an upgrade in your pleasure game, the Arcwave Voy is the toy for you! Only available in store. Click here to find your nearest Fairvilla Store


Form and function come alive with the Womanizer Premium. Seen on TikTok and shows like Netflix's "How to Build a Sex Room" this toy is a must have in your toy box! 

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Curious about prostate play and health? Check out our latest video on Youtube! 

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